StreetStyle Solider

Currently vibing on thigh high boots paired with over-sized tops, be it a unisex oversized sweater or jacket - or both - opting to tie the jacket around the waist. I added a little extra something under the sweater to add volume—you must have volume this season.I'm drawn to these particular pieces for a reason. Yeezy designed an almost exact replica of the official Marine Corps sweater, while the Vetements boots are made of the same thick compression sock material, often worn to help support the legs during long military ceremonies spent standing at attention/marching. The last piece is always the cover (hat), you can never be outdoors without your cover. A combination I'm quite accustomed to wearing.Call this look: StreetStyle Solider,  a NY 'anything goes' spin on a traditional Marine uniform—uncomplicated, striped down and proportionally improvised.

Samantha Angelo

Editor & Creative Director of The Eye Travels


Gunmetal Graze


DIY Denim & Patches