The Eye Travels

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African Honeymoon

Washington, D.C. > Amsterdam

Just a quick stop in Amsterdam... 

Travel tip: Book your hotel for the night before you get there so that when your plane lands at 6am you can go straight to the hotel, get in bed, and take a nice long nap.

Hotel Pultizer

- A very comfortable bed with a canal view, what more could you ask for?

Amsterdam looking quaint as can be.

Dinner at Seasons Restaurant

Delicious Combo - Tangerine, Pomegranate, Pecan, Cilantro Duck Salad

Yes, Justin Bieber lovingly painted on a leather biker jacket.

Apparently in Amsterdam they have a thing for painting American celebs on leather biker jackets, it was definitely a trend that we say throughout dozens of vintage/secondhand boutiques. Peter took this picture specifically for our niece Alyssa... and all you crazy beliebers out there!

Amsterdam > Mount Kilimanjaro


Somewhere over Africa

Mount Kilimanjaro > Arusha (30 minutes by car)

Sleep over night in Arusha......6am the next day drive to Arusha airstrip

Arusha > Singita Grumeti Reserve Airstrip!!!!!!

Arusha airstrip

Loves his job.

One hour of gorgeous views later...

Let the life changing adventure BEGIN!!

My mother in-law spoke fondly of the unique and earthy Serengeti air, and she was right, the moment we stepped off the plane and took our first deep breath, it was like we were alive for the very first time. The air was so pure and fresh, I couldn't stop breathing in and out, almost to the point of lightheadedness. Life giving oxygenated and completely unpolluted air, it was a pleasure to breath, not something you took for granted, every inhale and exhale was like a gift. It was such a stark contrast after breathing recelyced airplane air, followed by the smoggy pollution of Arusha. Oh how I miss it! At that moment I would have traveled on all of those flights just to rejoice in the splendor of truly breathing for the first time in my life. Yet, behold the wonder and magic of Singita!!

"We live in a world in which the demand for change governs a quest for progress that often treads unthinkingly on its heritage. There are places though, that still exist - wide and untouched expanses of an unchanged world - as a reminder of ageless wonder and beauty. And it was to play a part in preserving the quiet majesty of these places that Singita was created." 

- Luke Bailes, CEO